
Stev Levajkovski

SUBKULT President

Stev is a founder and president of SUBKULT. Since 2007 he has been actively involved in different non-profit youth associations from where he brings his valuable experience in the fields of youth work, Erasmus+ Programme, fundraising, project management and digital marketing.

What are mobility projects for youth workers?

Organisations and individuals who are active in youth work join forces with partners from other countries to organise international seminars or networking opportunities for youth workers. These support the quality development of youth work. Those taking part in such mobility projects are individuals who are engaged in youth work on either a professional or a voluntary basis. 

Possible mobility projects

– Trainings enhance the competences of youth workers and contribute to the quality development in the field of youth work.
– Relationship building events allow youth workers to find partners for transnational projects and to examine joint project ideas.
– Seminars offer theory sessions which then serve as a basis for discussion on issues that are important in youth work.
– Study trips enable participants to learn about youth work in a particular country via a structured programme of study on a specific topic. The programme involves visits to a number of different projects and organisations.
– Job-shadowing offers an opportunity for practical learning during a short placement with a partner organisation in a different country.

Formal funding criteria

All of the formal criteria must be met for your project to be considered for Youth in Action funding.

Eligible organisations

– charitable organisations, non-governmental organisations (NGOs)
– public-sector bodies at local, regional or national level
– informal groups of young people aged between 13 and 30
– social enterprises
– umbrella organisations, regional associations
– companies active in the corporate social responsibility sector
– European youth NGOs

The applicant organisation must be based in Switzerland. Partner organisations may come from both programme countries and neighbouring partner countries (please see below for a list of countries).

At least two organisations from two different countries must take part.

Note : If the project takes place in Switzerland (incoming projects), the project proposal is submitted to the Movetia on behalf of all partner organisations. Movetia is responsible for making the decision on the grant, preparing the agreements, and transferring the funding.

In the case of projects which take place abroad under the Erasmus+ programme (outgoing projects), the project proposal is generally submitted to the local national agency. The Swiss partner organisation is not mentioned in this proposal, but will simultaneously apply to the Movetia for funding for participants from Switzerland.

Are you planning a bilateral project that will take place abroad? Please contact us to find out what your options are for submitting a project.

Participants and group composition

– Participants must live in the country in which one of the participating organisations is based.
– Maximum of 50 participants, including leaders and moderators.


Training and networking activities: 2 days – 2 months, excluding travel days Project as a whole (incl. preparation and follow-up): 3-24 months


The project must take place in Switzerland (incoming project) or in the country in which one of the participating organisations is based (outgoing project). 

Qualitative funding criteria

The quality of all project proposals is reviewed and scored according to a points system. Proposals must be awarded at least 60 out of 100 points to qualify for funding, and must gain at least half of the possible points for each of the three
review categories.

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