To enhance the collaboration and to strengthen the network between the local stakeholders and actors in the community of Adligenswil in the Canton of Lucerne. The 'Stammtisch' is the place where these stakeholders come together and share their ideas, opinions, arguments and needs.
Museum1 is an experimental outdoor exhibition space located on a fallow at Winkelbüel in Adlligenswil (Lucerne), defined by minimal and provisional infrastructure. Museum1 seeks for new forms of representation, participation, education and social action. In this context, SUBKULT initiated the project «Stammtisch - Lokalpolitik und Vereinskultur im Museum (Stammtisch - Local Policy and Associative Culture in the Museum)». SUBKULT developed three interventions each for the target group, that aimed to strengthen the communal network between the local actors in Adligenswil. These included: round table talks for local cultural and sportive associations, designing a mobile pavilion for projects and a spraying activity in collaboration with artist Julia Wäckerlin and the scouts of Adligenswil (Pfadi Zytturm).
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